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Offshore Technology Conference Asia 2020 To Go Virtual

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Offshore Technology Conference Asia (OTC Asia) recognizes the unprecedented and ongoing global challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The health and safety of our partners, attendees, exhibitors, and staff are of utmost importance.

Considering the rapidly changing guidance and restrictions by governments and companies, and following consultation with key partners and stakeholders, the decision has been made to transition OTC Asia 2020 to a virtual event in the fourth quarter of 2020. We are actively working to confirm dates in October or November.

By shifting to a virtual event, we are committed to providing the industry a platform for continued knowledge sharing and professional development to preserve the significant work of the program committee and authors to prepare for this conference. In addition, it will provide opportunities for businesses to showcase solutions, network, and engage with long-standing and potential clients during this challenging time.

We are excited to be a part of this pioneering effort by the not-for-profit professional associations that organize OTC Asia. We look forward to the solidarity and collaboration of our industry and its leaders to support this inclusive opportunity to bring the industry together through digital innovation to share and discuss the latest insights on the
challenges we are facing.

We understand there will be many questions about what a virtual OTC Asia will entail. OTC Asia will be communicating more information as plans are finalized.

We thank you for your patience and understanding given these complex circumstances.

We look forward to your participation in OTC Asia 2020 later this year. 


About OTC Asia
Since the maiden OTC Asia was held in March 2014 in Kuala Lumpur, it has established itself as Asia’s premier offshore energy event. OTC Asia, which is programmed to benefit the industry in the region and around the globe, is a collaborative effort amongst 13 sponsoring non-profit academic, scientific and professional organizations dedicated to the advancement and diffusion of scientific and technological knowledge of offshore resources and related environmental matters.

For further information please contact otcasia@otcnet.org or visit 2020.otcasia.org.


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